Introduction: In recent decades the topic of ‘employee voice’ within a business organization has come up for discussion in management literature. At the same time, business analysts have explored in depth various possible distribution of powers within the workplace and the dynamics involved therein. Terms such as ‘involvement’ and ‘participation’ have been elaborated and explained…
Tag: United Kingdom
Is it better to study abroad or in your home country?
Each year hundreds of thousands of international students enroll for various courses in Universities in the United States and United Kingdom. But before they decide to enroll, they are confronted with a dilemma whether to pursue their higher studies in their home country or abroad. The consistency and high number of international enrollments suggests that…
The relationship between rising affluence and reduction in waste emissions
Rising affluence has been associated with a reduction in the production of waste emissions within the UK. However, the waste emissions associated with the total consumption in the UK have risen. Can both these statements can be true? There is little doubt that contemporary industrial society is increasingly becoming more consumerist. The story of the…
Is it possible to distinguish a ‘human right’ from other ‘legal’ rights? A case analysis of ‘The Nights Mary Poppins Died’
The distinction between universal human rights and jurisdiction specific legal rights has existed from the earliest days of formal justice. The story ‘The Nights Mary Poppins Died’ provides a useful context for elucidating this distinction. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the founding document of modern human rights doctrine. Framed in the aftermath of…
Should company law serve the interests of only those who contribute capital to companies or should it also consider public interest?
How well a business corporation performs in financial terms is significant for a broad group of people that includes potential/existing investors, creditors, employees or managers. With differing information needs and purposes, each category of stakeholders should be provided with data that is comprehensive, relevant and reliable, so as to allow an informed opinion to be…
Can competition alone produce the best outcomes for consumers of ICT goods and services? If not, why and where is regulation necessary?
The question of placing faith on the concept of competition alone to maintain principles of free-trade as well as serve the consumers well has been a subject of much debate. The divergent trends in various parts of the world economy and the associated promise of social equality need be taken into account in this discussion….
Chronic Complex Health Care Needs: Patient Education Program for Asthmatics
Introduction: There have always been many difficulties in catering to the needs of Patients with Chronic Complex Health Care Needs. The rising prevalence and morbidity associated with chronic medical conditions across the world has prompted a re-evaluation of the procedures employed to manage the condition as well as exploring new training methods for educating patients…
Critically evaluate the role played by Victim Support in assisting victims of crime and advocating for reforms on their behalf
Victim Support is a non-governmental national charity that helps victims of crime cope with their trauma. Victim Support has offices scattered across the length and breadth of United Kingdom. Volunteers form the core of the organization. They assume a varied range of roles – from being confidants to victims, informing them about their rights, advising…
Environmental Protection & Corporate Social Responsibility
Introduction: How well a business corporation performs in financial terms is significant for a broad group of people that includes potential/existing investors, creditors, employees or managers. With differing information needs and purposes, each category of stakeholders should be provided with data that is comprehensive, relevant and reliable, so as to allow an informed opinion to…
Differences between free-market and interventionist approaches to employee relations in the UK
The recognition that the free trade system needs to be balanced by a legislative framework came from Tony Blair in a recent World Bank meeting in Prague. The prime minister emphasized the raising of labour and animal welfare standards. He also expressed concerns for employer’s attitude towards worker and environmental health. The fact that around…