Not until the middle of “The Last Lovely City” does Alice Adams explicitly mention the word mask, but the element that holds the fabric of this story together is Adams’s implicit exposure of the masks behind which her characters hide. Beginning with the first paragraph, in which Adams has her main character, Dr. Benito Zamora,…
The Last Lovely City – Summary
”The Last Lovely City” is about a widower named Benito Zamora. He is a successful doctor whose wife, Elizabeth, died five months ago; he is struggling with feelings of loneliness and inadequacy. His elderly mother lives in Mexico, near a city where Benito operates two free clinics. As the story opens, Benito has been invited…
Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov – Analysis
Anton Chekhov is regarded as a master of the short story for his innovative structural techniques and his treatment of important themes. In ‘ ‘Gooseberries,” Chekhov demonstrates both by using a specific structure to help convey a theme. ”Gooseberries” contains a story within a story; the main character relates a tale about his brother to…
Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov – Setting
Decline of Russia’s Feudal Order The end of the nineteenth century saw the end of the old feudal order in Russia. Political bodies and organizations were becoming obsolete in the face of new developments, and the economy (traditionally divided neatly along agrarian and aristocratic lines) was giving rise to capitalists and a new urban middle…
Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov – Literary Devices
Story within a Story Aliokhin’s house is two-storied, and so is “Gooseberries.” Chekhov introduces the outer story as Ivan and Bourkin seek shelter from the rain in Aliokhin’s house. Ivan tells a story about his brother, which becomes the inner story. At the end, Chekhov returns to the outer story as Ivan finishes his story…
Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov – Themes
Obsession The story of Nicholai is one of single-minded determination. In Nicholai’s case, he acquires the subject of his obsession, a small farm that allows him to lead a simple life in the country. Ivan comments, “Once a man gets a fixed idea, there’s nothing to be done.” Nicholai equates the lifestyle he longs for…
Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov – Characters
Aliokhin Aliokhin is a successful farmer who runs a mill. He owns a large, plain house where he employs at least one servant. Aliokhin is described as tall, stout, long-haired, and around forty years old. When his friends Ivan and Bourkin arrive unannounced, he welcomes them gladly and stops working for the day to properly…
Gooseberries by Anton Chekhov – Summary
Shelter from the Storm The story “Gooseberries” begins on a dreary, overcast day as Ivan Ivanich and Bourkin are walking through the countryside. When it starts to rain, Bourkin suggests they go to a nearby friend’s house Anton Chekhov where they can get shelter from the weather. Upon arriving at the mill owned by Aliokhin,…
The Eskimo Connection – Analysis
Hisaye Yamamoto’s “The Eskimo Connection” is told through the eyes of Emiko Toyama, a poet who self-deprecatingly refers to herself simply as “an aging Nisei widow” with very little to offer a young prison pen pal. She never directly calls herself a poet in the story, although art and writing have certainly played an important…
The Eskimo Connection – Setting
Japanese Internment Camps During World War II After the Japanese attack on American ships at Pearl Harbor in 1941, sentiment grew in support of relocating all Japanese Americans living along the West Coast to the interior of the country. Many in the western states, as well as those holding high positions in the United States…