It would be easy to simply label ‘‘An Outpost of Progress’’ a tale that depicts the horrors of colonialism and focus serious scholarly attention on some of Conrad’s meatier, more symbolic works. Indeed, the relative lack of critical study of the story suggests there are few treasures to unearth in its comparatively short length. However,…
An Outpost of Progress – Setting
European Colonialism in Africa ‘‘An Outpost of Progress’’ was written at a time when European colonialism in Africa was at its peak. In the latter half of the nineteenth century, two distinct but related factors contributed to an all-out race among European nations to claim portions of the African continent as their own territories. First,…
An Outpost of Progress – Characters
Carlier Carlier is the second-in-command of the African trading station where the story takes place. He is described as ‘‘tall, with a large head and a very broad trunk perched upon a long pair of thin legs.’’ Carlier is a former cavalryman who, despite serving in the military, never received a commission and counts on…
An Outpost of Progress – Summary
‘‘An Outpost of Progress’’ takes place at a trading station in an unnamed African location, presumably at the end of the nineteenth century. After the station’s founding agent dies from fever, the director of the trading company assigns an employee named Kayerts to be in charge of the station, with another man—Carlier—to serve as second-in-command….
The Jewels by Guy de Maupassant – Literary Elements
Denouement De´ nouement is a French word that means ‘‘the unknotting.’’ In fiction or drama, it denotes the resolution of conflict. The de´ nouement follows a story’s climax and provides an outcome to the primary plot situation as well as an explanation of secondary plot complications. The de´ nouement often involves a character’s recognition of…
The Jewels by Guy de Maupassant – Analysis – Essay
Like many great writers and artists throughout history, Guy de Maupassant took an ‘‘outsider’s view’’ of the world around him. That is, he did not subscribe to the prevailing values and beliefs of the culture in which he lived, and he was thus able to observe them from a critical distance. His outsider’s stance is…
The Jewels by Guy de Maupassant – Setting
‘‘The Jewels’’ takes place in late-nineteenth-century Paris, between the years 1870 and 1880. The subtle tremors of instability beneath its placid, urbane surface suggest the social milieu of the years following the brief Franco-Prussian War of 1871. Maupassant was mobilized as a soldier in that war, and his most famous story, ‘‘Boul de Suif,’’ is…
The Jewels by Guy de Maupassant – Themes
Wisdom A common theme in Maupassant’s work is the inability of human beings to acquire wisdom, and ‘‘The Jewels’’ makes that point clearly. The protagonist, Monsieur Lantin, is every bit as blank and empty at the end of the story as he is at the beginning. He is portrayed as a dutiful office worker, content…
The Jewels by Guy de Maupassant – Characters
The Jeweler The jeweler runs the shop from which Madame Lantin’s jewels were purchased. By chance, Monsieur Lantin enters this shop, intending to sell what he believes are cheap costume jewelry items. At first the jeweler suspects Monsieur Lantin of theft. When he figures out that the man is selling gems provided to his wife…
The Jewels by Guy de Maupassant – Summary
The plot of ‘‘The Jewels’’ is very simple, as is the case with all of Maupassant’s work. The author lays out the bones of the story and the reader is left to interpret its meaning. The reader is first introduced to the story’s protagonist, Monsieur Lantin, a clerk in a government ministry. Right away it…