Ever since Britain ascended into the role of leading naval empire in the world the influx of non-native subjects into the British Isles has been a persistent phenomenon. During this period the nature and complexion of British culture and identity has also undergone noticeable change. It would be safe to say that Britain today is…
How are Pa Chin’s anarchist politics conveyed in his novel Family?
The novel Family, written by Pa Chin in the early part of the twentieth century, is one of the most influential novels in modern Chinese Literature. Set in the early twentieth century China, the novel has for its backdrop the most eventful period in Chinese history. In retrospect, one could see the early signs of…
The Use of Technology in Giving Effective Presentations
The last 20 to 30 years have been widely regarded as the digital age. During this period many advances have been made in digital technology, leading to the promotion and use of mobile phones, high-speed networks, efficient computers, etc. This advance in digital technology has also made life easier for most people. Areas such as…
Different theoretical perspectives on family as a basic social unit
Sociology as a field of inquiry has wide ranging applications in the understanding of human societies. While sociology does not lend itself to rigorous scientific analysis in terms of conception and verification of theories, there are indeed some proven methods of testing the veracity of theories pertaining to sociology. Sociology is usually approached from certain…
The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism by Russell Roberts
Russell Roberts is one of the prominent economic thinkers of our times. His works are known for their insightfulness, accessibility and relevance to current economic problems. The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism is one of his best works as it excels in the above mentioned qualities. The book essentially presents to the…
Warren Buffett overturns all the main ideas of modern investment theory
Warren Buffett, alongside Benjamin Graham is considered to be the leading gurus of investment strategy. Though Benjamin Graham pioneered the notion of ‘value investing’, it was Buffett who consolidated the theory through repeated application. The consistency with which Buffett’s portfolio out-performed the average market results does prove beyond doubt the veracity of his ideas. His…
Death Be Not Proud by John Donne
John Donne’s poem Death Be Not Proud is typical of the religious/metaphysical genre employed by the poet. All human beings have a lurking fear of death. As we get older, this fear increases and ultimately dominates our thoughts. But contrary to the negative connotations attached to the event of death, Donne presents to the readers…
Affect of Prejudice and Discrimination in China
The demographics and social structures of China are unique among world’s major countries. Close to 90 percent of the Chinese population is derived from the Han ethnic stock. The rest is comprised on small minority groups spread across China. Though the majority of Han Chinese share a common culture, their language is again quite varied,…
Movie Genre Analysis: The Hangover (2009)
The movie Hangover, directed by Todd Phillips and released in 2009, is an adult comedy film. The movie adopts a conventional narrative technique with the addition of a few experimental elements. The plot is based on the idea of a bachelor party trip by a group of friends to Las Vegas. The four friends played…
Why minority ethnics seem not to have accepted mainstream opportunities like The Princes Trust 12 week development programme
Blacks and other ethnic minorities in the UK have historically faced discrimination and prejudice. While in recent decades their situation has improved to an extent, they continue to lag behind native Anglo-Saxon Brits in terms of access to quality education, healthcare and job opportunities. The New Labour government in power today has made efforts to…