We should also keep in mind that censorship and freedom of speech are counteracting principles. But virulent forms of free expression such as the Rape Simulator game should be banned in the larger interests of democratic societies. This conflict is identified by sexual assault victims’ rights advocates as well. But they say that civil rights should not be abused in order to promote a culture of tolerance for rape and violence against women. (Haydon, 2009)
On the other hand, banning or censoring any thing puts it on the spotlight, giving it free publicity that marketers are happy to see happen. In my own case, my first reaction when I heard about this game was to go “check it out”; and am sure such is the reaction of many players. Even if the game is made illegal, there are many ways for getting hold of it and playing it. Censuring it is not going to stop people to play it as it only adds publicity and attention to the game . However making it legal would also not serve the democratic purpose, as it would mean that society has lost its ethical compass and the sense of right and wrong. Hence, in conclusion, a tactful and nuanced dealing of the problem is required. Otherwise, democratic societies will steadily march toward decadence and anarchy.
Race Simulator game goes Viral amid calls for Censorship, retrieved from <http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/games/rape-simulator-game-goes-viral-amid-calls-for-censorship-20100331-rcpz.html> on 5th November, 2010
Leigh Alexander, And You Thought Grand Theft Auto Was Bad : Should the United States ban a Japanese “rape simulator” game?, Monday, March 9, 2009, <http://www.slate.com/id/2213073/pagenum/all/#p2>
Rape Simulator games and the Normalization of Sexual Violence, The Free Library retrieved on 5th November, 2010 from <http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Rape+simulator+games+and+the+normalization+of+sexual+violence-a0232889052>
Harry Haydon, Rape Simulator sold in Amazon, 13th Feb, 2009, retrieved from <http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2235915.ece>
Video game featuring rape pulled from Amazon, retrieved on 5th November, 2010 from <http://digg.com/news/gaming/Video_game_featuring_virtual_rape_pulled_from_Amazon>
Japan: Rape simulator games and the normalization of sexual violence, Say No- End Violence Against Women, retrieved on 5th Novemeber 2010 from <http://www.saynotoviolence.org/join-say-no/japan-rape-simulator-games-and-normalization-sexual-violence>
Asher Moses, Rape Simulator game goes Viral amid calls for Censorship, March 31, 2010, retrieved on 5th November, from <http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/games/rape-simulator-game-goes-viral-amid-calls-for-censorship-20100331-rcpz.html>