The law banning the use of mobile phones in cars has been in place for some time now. However, there are increasing reports of people disobeying the law. Draw on theories and research in selective attention to produce an argument which would convince law breakers to stop using their phones while driving. Road accidents that…
Category: Law
Articles 1, 2 & 3 of the U.S. Constitution
The concept of Separation of Powers is drafted in the United States Constitution in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Articles. In this way, The Constitution is deliberately made inefficient, so that no one branch of government overwhelms proper the functioning of democracy. The Separation of Powers conceived by the founding fathers of the United States…
Arguments against Capital Punishment
Thesis statement: Capital punishment proves ineffective as an instrument of deterring violent crime on political, ethical and theological grounds. The American public has long been supportive of capital punishment for convicted murderers, and that support continues to grow even today. In a Gallup Poll conducted in 1981, two in three Americans expressed overall approval for…
Effects of EMTALA on Healthcare
Executive Summary: On August 29, 2003, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published the revised EMTALA obligations for the perusal of hospitals and doctors. In summary, these regulations try to define the cases where EMTALA is applicable, and also the circumstances and situations that warrant its application. The statutes framed therein define the…
Music Piracy and Digital Rights Management (DRM)
IT professionals require an awareness of the business, economic, legal and social issues of Computing Technology in the modern world. Before we delve into the reasons for Digital Rights Management’s disapproval let us overview the case in support of it. The case for enterprise DRM is synonymous with the case for a well-articulated, role-based technology…
Arguments For and Against the Legitimacy of 2003 Invasion of Iraq
The 2003 invasion of Iraq has given rise to widespread public debate. There were questions raised about its legitimacy. There are advocates for both sides of the issue. This includes public intellectuals, politicians, journalists and activists. The purpose of this essay is to present to the reader arguments for and against the legitimacy of the…
Are Land Rights, Equal rights or Special rights in Australia?
The issue of land rights for Aborigines has always been controversial. From the very beginnings the ideals of democracy were restricted to the white race. In fact there was much unwillingness on part of orthodox politicians to consider aborigines as people in the first place. Such a despicable state of affairs was to span across…
Asian Americans and Birthright Citizenship
The Fourteenth Amendment, that was proposed and ratified immediately after the civil war is regarded as one of the most important legislations appended to the United States constitution. The Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses that comprise the amendment make it a very valuable support for immigrants and minorities. In the context of the civil…
North Country (Movie): Summary and Analysis
The movie North Country was based on the book ”Class Action: The Landmark Case That Changed Sexual Harassment Law” which tells the story of Lois Jenson, who filed the first class action lawsuit for sexual harassment in American history. In the film, Theron plays the daughter of an iron miner (Richard Jenkins) working in a…
To what extent is separation of powers evident in the British Political system?
The uniqueness of the British political system is its association with the Crown, on whose behalf most powers are exercised. It is notable that unlike others entities the Crown is not subject to legal regulation due to the sense of dignity it evokes. Also, the prerogatives of the crown include the “power to conduct foreign…