The movie I chose for this exercise is titled Paris, released in 2008. This is a French language movie that I watched with English subtitles. Written and directed by Cedric Klapisch, the film stars Juliette Binoche, Romain Duris and Fabrice Luchini. While watching the movie on my laptop computer, I was able to identify some…
Author: admin
Growth of home theaters, new delivery mechanisms, and alternative viewing devices
With the flourishing of the Internet and vast improvements in network bandwidth capabilities, films produced in Hollywood have also been marketed and distributed through these channels. In the article in question, which was published in in June 2005, George Lucas was talking about a fundamental shift in movie consumption patterns. The film industry in…
Class warfare within the Roman Republic
We learn that right from the beginning of the history of Roman Republic, there had been class warfare. At first the two warring factions were the Patricians and the Plebeians. They both contended for admission to the courts and high office as well as demanding a share in the state lands. This class struggle between…
Similarities between Monopoly Board and Atlantic City
The Monopoly Board game is one of the most popular board games in twentieth century history. First designed in 1935, the game has sold more than 200 million sets in its 76-year existence. The game is loosely based on Elizabeth J. Magie Phillips’ The Landlord’s Game that she published in 1924. Although intended to bring…
Prospects for new Malaria vaccine
Malaria is one of the most deadly pandemics to threaten human health. It consumes tens of thousands of lives each year in sub-Saharan Africa, most of who are young children. For example, each year close to 400 million people are infected with the disease, of which a million succumb to it. Hence all efforts must…
Hispanics in the United States today
Hispanic Americans are the largest ethnic minority in the United States. Of the total American population, nearly 17 percent are Hispanics. The terms Hispanic or Latino refer to Spanish speaking immigrants to the United States, who came from South and Central American countries. These countries include El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Columbia, Brazil,…
What kind of event marketing might a wholesaler use to promote business?
A wholesaler can adopt a range of marketing tactics to promote its services. Event marketing is an especially useful idea to exploit market opportunity. Event marketing involves a list of activities that enhance brand visibility and brand identification for target consumers (in this case select retailers). Event marketing by wholesalers is usually a ‘push’ tactic,…
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Freire, Greene and Kliewer
Paulo Friere’s article titled ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’ is provocative yet truthful in its observations. Contrary to comforting conventional views on mainstream education systems, Friere presents a new perspective on the subject. He views the teacher-pupil equations in these systems as rather oppressive, as it reinforces misconceptions about knowledge and expertise. More controversially, Friere demystifies…
Pirates of Globalization: An overview of Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property theft is one of the major concerns for global business leaders. In an era of globalization and fast dissemination of information, fraudulent manufacturers employ sophisticated means of acquiring patented information and exploit it for commercial gain. As Catherine Holahan notes in her article for Business Week, pirated goods now account for nearly 7…
Dangers posed by lack of diversity and representation in the mainstream media’s coverage
One of the talking points among the intelligentsia is the dangers posed by lack of diversity and representation in the mainstream media’s coverage, especially that of Television. This situation gives rise to production of news content that serves the interests of select media elite. This concentration of power in the hands of large media conglomerates…