In terms of solutions to the problems created by mass consumer culture, we have to look back as much as look ahead. Since it is clear that happiness can and had been availed outside the carbonated sweetness of cola drinks, a sustainable and prudent solution should also be sought outside the capitalist economic paradigm. Philosophy, occidental or oriental, has much to offer. The thoughts of thinkers such as John Stuart Mill, Frederick Nietzsche, Michel Foucault, Bertrand Russell, etc need to be incorporated into government policy-making process. It is high time that our society brings the great intellectual tradition of humankind outside the confines of academia and into the realm of public affairs. This proposition is much more than fanciful thinking when one considers the precarious state of our planet – both in geo-political and environmental terms. Only a collective striving toward enlightened social organization will see our species to safety and sustainability.
Work Cited:
Russell, Jenni, The Selfish Generation, Strategy Two: Developing an Essay Based on a Source, pp. 210-213.