Several studies indicate a correlation between music videos and violent behavior of adolescents. The findings also show a connection between the imagery displayed in the videos and inappropriate sexual attitudes and conduct. The lyrics tend to have a significant corrupting influence on the youth. Particular genres such as hip-hop, gangsta rap and heavy metal are found to be more damaging to youth than the rest. The racial attitudes and interpersonal relations of teenagers can be influenced by the music they watch.
Music Videos have defined contemporary culture the last 50 years. The mass appeal of the art form brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it inspires, entertains and stimulates, while on the flip side it can inculcate unsavory behaviors and attitude among the youth. The young viewer must show caution in choosing the beneficial ones from the lot.
The majority of music video fans are teenagers and young adults, who are at an impressionable period of their lives. The youngsters can turn out to be anti-social if they idolize their attractive music stars, whose life-style is regarded as “extreme” and “on the edge”. To be fair, most role models are beneficial. The youth need a little bit of discretion in ignoring that minority of “stars”, who are more notorious than famous. If such discretion is not exercised the anti-social behavior exhibited by the stars tends to get treated as the norm, which can have severe consequences in the personal lives of the followers. The violence acted out will be perceived as heroic. What is required is a more realistic portrayal of violence, which will show how ugly and undesirable aggression is and will serve to thwart similar behavior in the viewers.
Music is an essential part of growing up and helps shape one’s personality. Unfortunately, this aspect has been used by television networks to manipulate the youth into believing certain cultural and gender stereotypes.
Violence and the Music Video:
The later part of the 20th century had seen a disturbing development. The greatest threat to the health of American adolescents in recent decades is violence induced injuries and death. During the 1990’s, nearly 70% of all teenage deaths are a result of violence – accidents, manslaughter, homicides, etc. In 1994 in particular 357,000 teenagers were assaulted badly enough so as to require emergency medical treatment. A further 3569 of them eventually succumbed to their injuries. Adding to the alarm, the number of juvenile arrests for violent crimes during the year was recorded at 150,000 that included 6000 rapes and 85,300 aggravated assaults. The years following 1994 had seen similar statistics. Research also reveals a strong correlation between previous exposure to violence and aggressive behaviors in adolescents. It is in this context that the relation between violence and the music video scrutinized. (Rich, Woods, et. al. 1998)
A big chunk of adolescent television viewing is taken by music videos and there is a reason – it captures the young viewer’s attention by powerfully engaging their emotions. For example, teenagers form nearly three fourths of MTV viewer-ship and they spend, on average, 6 hrs a week watching the channel. As much as 22% of the programming contained depictions of violence. Of these videos 63% of the violent acts are performed by young adults. This strong relation between media violence and real-life violence raises some serious concerns about the effects they have on the perceptions of adolescents as to what is normally safe and how to secure it. (Rich, Woods, et. al. 1998)
Effects on Interpersonal Relations:
Music has long been associated romantic love – an elevating feeling no doubt. But alongside the agreeable, there has also been a steady output of music with questionable effects on male-female relationships. Teenagers’ approach to conflict resolution is potentially vulnerable to the impact of music video depictions. Taking this threat into account, The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association, among other medical organizations, have started advising health care professionals to inform their patients that media exposure is a risk factor for general well-being. (Rich, Woods, et. al. 1998)
If the sheer volume of violence in music videos is not bad enough the manner in which it is portrayed undermines interpersonal relationships and hence regarded as critical factors in children’s health and risk behaviors. In trying to address this issue, the counselors, school authorities and the public representatives must also take into account “the potent messages and role models in music videos and other mass media.” (Rich, Woods, et. al. 1998)
Threat Posed by the Lyrics:
The song lyric has been an important medium of thought for centuries. The lyric is also a simpler of poetry, with its own aesthetic appeal. Its simplicity and unique aesthetic appeal had easily enabled it to enter the public discourse – and one has to admit that the world is better for it. And as with any art form, the music lyric had also evolved over the years. An issue of concern for parents and pediatricians like is that of drastic changes manifest in song lyrics over the last 40 years. There is no doubt that they have become more explicit, especially with regard to sex and drugs. One genre that is of great concern is the “gangsta rap”, which can have a corrupting influence on the young and impressionable. (Pediatrics 1996)
“Such lyrics are of special concern in today’s environment, which poses unprecedented threats to the health and well-being of adolescents. Pregnancy, drug use, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (and other sexually transmitted diseases), injuries, homicide, and suicide have all become part of the landscape of everyday life for many American teens.” (Pediatrics 1996)
The Effects on Sexual Behavior:
The formats of music videos are universally popular among children and young adults. When the lyrics are run as subtitles in the videos, their impact is increased manifold. Even if they don’t understand or recognize the lyrics, they cannot avoid the associations therein, both implicit and explicit. Moreover, the videos are self-reinforcing – the mind automatically does a flash-back to the video just at a mere hint of the song tune ever after. The music video is thus a powerful psychological tool. Unfortunately, the format had now become a breeding ground for sexism, substance abuse and risky sexual behavior. (Pediatrics 1996)
Studies indicate that up to 75% of concept music videos, which have a certain theme, contain sexually suggestive material. More than half of them also contain violent acts committed against women. Women were sometimes portrayed in a derogatory manner. The use of alcohol and tobacco were projected as glamorous and fashionable. All of this is bound to lead teenage viewers to dire consequences. (Pediatrics 1996)
“A handful of experimental studies indicate that music videos may have a significant behavioral impact by desensitizing viewers to violence and by making teenagers more likely to approve of premarital sex. In one study, eliminating access to MTV decreased the frequency of violent acts among teenagers and young adults in a locked treatment facility.” (Pediatrics 1996)
The Offending Genres:
Of late, hip-hop has captured the imagination of listeners. Hip-hop is an unconventional music form that requires a lot of originality and talent on part of the performers. The current popularity of hip-hop is a welcome addition to the rich body of music. But a note of caution – studies indicate that adolescents who listen to hip hop and rap are more likely to drug addiction and aggressive behavior than those who listen to other genres such as country, folk or western. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism made another study which showed similar results – youngsters who watch music with references to drugs and violence also tend to do drugs and have behavioral problems themselves. Other music genres of concern are reggae and techno, whose listeners were found to be susceptible to alcohol and substance abuse. When compared to other genres, “rap music was consistently and positively associated with use of alcohol, malt-liquor, potential alcohol-use disorder, marijuana, club drugs, and aggressive behaviors.” (Brown University Letter 2006) In light of these facts, the contemporary youth should add a little caution to their musical enjoyment.
Most teenagers think of their favorite songs as about innocuous and acceptable themes. But, a significant few display a radical attitude toward their music. Studies have shown that a preference for heavy metal music has strong implications for “alienation, substance abuse, psychiatric disorders, suicide risk, sex-role stereotyping, or risk-taking behaviors during adolescence.” (Pediatrics 1996)
It is in this context that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) had proposed descriptive labeling of music content and parental advisory labels. The AAP is also apprehensive about the negative behavioral messages that are now commonplace in public television broadcasts. The Pediatrician can play an important role by counseling the parents about watching television with their children, which gives opportunities for constructive parent-child discussions on subjects such as sex, violence and drugs. Commerce should take a back seat to the common good, which means the record companies should exercise more sensitivity and scruples in what they decide to market. They should also collaborate with the artists in producing music that will induce “racial harmony, drug avoidance, nonviolence, safe sexual practices, pregnancy prevention” (Pediatrics 1996), etc. The Federal Communications Act of 1934 states that the radio and television stations are responsible to create broadcast content keeping in mind the best interests of the public. Unless this clause is taken in spirit and not just in letter the status quo will remain.
“Impact of music lyrics and music videos on children and youth (RE9144). (American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Communications).” Pediatrics 98.n6 (Dec 1996): 1219(3).
Rich, Michael, Elizabeth R. Woods, Elizabeth Goodman, Jean Emans, and Robert H. DuRant. “Aggressors of victims: gender and race in music video violence.” Pediatrics 101.n4 (April 1998): 669(6).
“What’s New in Research – Influence of music on youth Behaviors”, The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, Brown University, June 2006.