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Media Analysis: Just a Minute (BBC Radio 4)


The media item chosen for this essay is Just a Minute – a flagship radio comedy show broadcast on BBC Radio 4. It is based on a 4-member panel format, where contestants have to speak on any given topic for a full minute without ‘hesitation’, ‘repetition’ or ‘deviation’.  Having premiered at 1967 as a weekly show the program is still running today.  It is one of the longest running in the history of radio and comedy. (Crisell, 2002, p.26)  The main reason for its success is due to how it allows endless creativity and humour within a simple framework of rules.  Though the three-point rules are simple to understand, the panellists seldom find them easy to follow during the impromptu situations they find themselves in. Though it is a competitive game-show format, winning is less important than amusing and entertaining the audience.  The audience for the show falls into two categories: radio listeners and in-studio attendance.  Hence there is rich, dynamic social interaction taking place during the program.  This essay will explore various sociological dimensions at play during the program. Relevant sociological theories are referenced to highlight how the chosen media program is an agent of socialization.

Just a Minute as an Agent of Socialization:

One of the special features of Just a Minute (JAM) is its no-holds-barred atmosphere for social interaction.  Humour is a great agent for socialization for it takes away usual inhibitions about sensitive topics. In the show one of the main sources of humour emerges from gender stereotyping, man-woman relationships and sex life.  Some of these topics are not usually discussed in normal social settings. But in the vibrant, encouraging atmosphere of JAM, panellists take a free-ranging approach to all topics – sensitive or otherwise. (Crisell, 2002, p.26)  This facilitates interaction among the panellists in ways that would not otherwise be possible.  The panellists also get feedback from listeners on radio, albeit with a lag.  After all, the continued patronage to the program is due to radio audience approval of the panellists as well as their sense of humour.  Hence, an indirect channel of socialization is open between the featured panellists and the radio audience.  In this sense, the format, rules and comic-focus of the program serves as a great agent of socialization.

Socialization with respect to JAM is not just confined to the panellists. The radio listeners and in-studio audience are also integral to the social dynamics. The in-studio audience plays a bigger role in terms of its real-time feedback to humour.  The spontaneous laughs, shouts of approval and appreciation, as well as boos of disapproval act as a constructive feedback mechanism. Hence we could attribute a degree of socialization between the panellists and the in-studio audience: “the audience’s every gurgle, or at least everything that survives the editing process, will be broadcast all over the country. As the show’s producer, and indeed Parsons himself, reminds us when he strides onto the stage, we are very much part of the show, and the need to be very vocal indeed is impressed upon us.” (Lezard, 2000, p. 12)  The demographic profile of the in-studio audience can be loosely called multi-ethnic.  Largely drawn from the Middle England group that listens to Radio 4, there is diverse representation within this group. For example, there are men in formal attire sitting side by side with those who are in casual wear.  There are those who look as though

“they would shoot up like pheasants if the National Anthem were to be played; and those who, in Orwell’s phrase, would rather steal from the collection plate. Some of them have teenage children, or younger…As it turned out, those congregated at Buxton seemed to enjoy the show, and I overheard a few of them going over their favourite routines during the interval.” (Heilman, 2003, p.47)

  Sociological Perspective of Just a Minute:

The theoretical framework offered by Conflict Theory is the most conducive to studying Just a Minute.  Though it is presented in the garb of humour one could discern conflicts across gender, social class, region, age, profession, etc. Usually Conflict Theory is used to discuss major dialectical tendencies in society.  Just a Minute is not a forum for such heavy and rigorous discourse.  Hence what we witness in the program are casual exchanges that heighten gender stereotypes, expected gender roles, idiosyncrasies identified with social class, etc. (Daily Mail, 2007, p.63) For example, Clement Freud and Kenneth Williams are two of the iconic participants in JAM.  But they come from very different backgrounds.  The former is the grandson of Sigmund Freud and hails from an elite political background. He was elected to Parliament many times and had a distinguished political career till his death in 2009. Freud’s humour reflects this background – he gained followership for his deadpan delivery of dry, sardonic wit. His oration is measured and betrays training in the Parliament. Kenneth Williams, on the other hand, comes from a working class background.  He has revealed in numerous interviews about the dysfunctional family atmosphere in which he grew up and how this has led to bouts of depression in his adult life. His humour, again, reflects this conditioning.  He is very provocative, petulant and his oration is loud and accented. It should be noted that despite this rowdy image, there is no real malevolence emanating from Kenneth Williams. Also, as Williams’ memoirs reveal, there is reason to believe that he was homosexual – if not in behaviour at the least in thought. Despite contrasting backgrounds in class, upbringing and sexual orientation, Williams and Freud entertain the audience in their own inimical ways. But a sociological analysis of their interactions would reveal subtle conflicts.  The following observation highlights how diversity and contrast is evident in the persona of panel members:

“If the audience themselves look as though they have been chosen merely by geographical accident, the panellists (with the exception of Parsons, who is both archetypal and sui generis) look as though they have been elected as representatives of the audience. Clement Freud is suited; Ross Noble is in a t-shirt with “norks” written on it; Linda Smith is neutrally smart, and Tony Hawks is wearing a casual pullover. Their ages range from Noble’s 24 to however old Freud is.” (Lezard, 2000, p. 12)


In sum, Just a Minute is an item from popular media that lends rich material for sociological study.  The entire set up of the program, right from the impressive studio at Buxton to its extensive reach to audiences, offers several tiers of socialization. Not only do these avenues for socialization create solidarity among diverse groups of citizens, but they also give expression to conflict in its watered-down state. In other words, while conflict is at the root of the humour and banter, it is stripped of malevolence.  In all these respects Just a Minute can be considered a successful social project that also offers great entertainment.



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