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A response to The Human Condition: The Public and The Private Realm

The reading titled The Human Condition: The Public and The Private Realm is very informative and insightful.  It deliberates on what all social, psychological and physiological conditions that bears upon the public and private realms.  Indeed, in many cases the very validation of reality happens through the acknowledgement of other occupants of the public space.  The public space is also a manifestation of the private life, in that the “greatest forces of intimate life – the passions of the heart, the thoughts of the mind, the delights of the senses – lead an uncertain, shadowy kind of existence unless and until they are transformed, deprivatized and deindividualized, as it were, into a shape to fit them for public appearance.”  (The Human Condition, p.50)  It is insights such as these which make the reading an invaluable scholarly source on the topic of public/private space.

The reading draws from a wide range of scholarship to deduce and illustrate its points.  For example, there are references to Greek philosophers like Aristotle, medieval theologians like Thomas Aquinas and even to the most influential economic thinker of the modern era Adam Smith. Hence the sweep of its bibliography makes the reading a distillation of knowledge passed down through centuries and emanating across various intellectual traditions.

Hence, the reading in question is a rigorous intellectual exercise aimed at explicating the intricacies of private and public realms of the human condition.  It succeeds in giving an in-depth analysis of the topic by synthesizing historical understanding with contemporary ideas.

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